Letter of Intent

The Letter of Intent (LOI) is a new national initiative that is designed to reduce and limit the recruiting pressures on prospective student-athletes, to educate prospective student-athletes on the most applicable U SPORTS regulations, and to assist coaches in their recruiting efforts.

The Letter of Intent should not be confused with a letter of admission from a university, as the Letter of Intent is related only to a prospect’s expressed intention to participate at a specific university inU SPORTS . It should also be noted that a prospect does not need to sign a Letter of Intent if they wish to play aU SPORTS sport. The Letter of Intent is a voluntary system that a prospect can choose to enter into and that is respected by allU SPORTS member schools.

Frequently Asked Questions for the Letter of Intent (PDF)

To review the full text of the rules and forms regarding Eligibility click here.

LOI Registry

Part of the Letter of Intent program is the Letter of Intent Registry, which lists the name, school, and sport of all prospective student-athletes who have signed a Letter of Intent. Although the Registry is primarily a reference for university coaches and administrators to review prior to recruiting a prospective student-athlete, it also serves as a reference to other prospects, parents, and fans of university sport.

To view the most recent LOI Registry click here.

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